Its January again and with January comes Cousin Rolando's Birthday... and a party isn't a party with out a pinata! Now that the parts of a pinata that breaks off and you can put on your head? Well Goodness, that makes a great hat! The other kids a little older are wise enough to grab the parts that fall off and use them to pick up the candy after the things busts. Noni, Thought screw that! I got a hat! (inside a little bit I am smiling becuase it means he doesn't get the much candy and we aren't up all night on a sugar high!) As you can see Daddy is just sooooooooo proud of his little man... who looks like he is wearing a princess hat. lol I don't Gil even noticed that that is what it looked like or I am sure there wouldn't have been this many pictures taken of him in it. So, another party has come and gone, and all the yummy food that comes with it all eaten up! God I love the food at these parties! The last pick I had to put up only because it looks like Buzz Lightyear is karate chopping my kid! With the help of Junior of course. Anyway I hope the New Year is treating you all well!