Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

At least I always have a birthday shot huh? My Baby boy turned 4! Time has just gone by too fast! Thomas the Train was the Theme! I mean what else could it possible be! lol He was happy and that is all that matters!
Love you Noni!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

We hope that you had great Easter Sunday, because we sure did have a great time! Noni with the help of uncle Steve-o and Skitten, hunted for Easter eggs, and the family came over for dinner. We had enough food to feed an army.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Muffin Man

Do you know the Muffin Man, the Muffin Man the Muffin Man? I do, because he woke me up bright and early needing some muffins! So we baked up some mini muffins thanks to Great Grandma for the mini muffin pans, and by the time Daddy woke up, we had fresh blueberry and chocolate chip mini muffins!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Did you see our fish?

Did you see our new online fish? ~~~~~~~~~>
Lets just say we think they are pretty cool!
Click over the box and you can feed them!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Noni and the Gnome

I made this little Gnome one night and Noni fell in love with him. He calles him Santa Clause I could see where he get that from, but he was made in orange... lol. I have to say that I love seeing him carry this little guy around with him.... his father might not be too happy about it though

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our Valentine's Date!

Jealous? you should be, because I had the best Valentine's Day date (in) that I have had in a long time. Lets just say that Hubby doesn't celebrate, but that didn't stop me and my little man! I do have to admit though that Gil did buy the Flowers, and they were perfect and totally not expected... Our Date (without Gil since he was at work) Consisted of me and my little man, some movies, a heart shaped Pizza and M&M's, because what is Valentines Day without some Chocolate? I hope all of your day turned out as well as ours did!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Is it Cold? I don't care!

Yep, it is darn cold! It is even chilly in this new house of ours... but everytime I turn around.... Naked Baby! He just doesn't care that it is cold! He was truely born in the right state if chilly temps have no affect on him. Gil is forever yelling at me to put pajamas on him, and I do! He just gets out of them! So the question for today.... Does anyone have any duck tape?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Cousin Rolando!

Its January again and with January comes Cousin Rolando's Birthday... and a party isn't a party with out a pinata! Now that the parts of a pinata that breaks off and you can put on your head? Well Goodness, that makes a great hat! The other kids a little older are wise enough to grab the parts that fall off and use them to pick up the candy after the things busts. Noni, Thought screw that! I got a hat! (inside a little bit I am smiling becuase it means he doesn't get the much candy and we aren't up all night on a sugar high!) As you can see Daddy is just sooooooooo proud of his little man... who looks like he is wearing a princess hat. lol I don't Gil even noticed that that is what it looked like or I am sure there wouldn't have been this many pictures taken of him in it. So, another party has come and gone, and all the yummy food that comes with it all eaten up! God I love the food at these parties! The last pick I had to put up only because it looks like Buzz Lightyear is karate chopping my kid! With the help of Junior of course. Anyway I hope the New Year is treating you all well!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Got a Picky Eater? Not Me!

Oh, my baby boy... with a darn cute hair cut might I add, Loves his salad. The point here being he loves anything I put infront of him (for a time he didn't care for ketchup but he got over that). So here is my baby insisting on my salad, and thank goodness he left me the soup!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Just another Friday

We were at Festival foods and what did Noni spot.... Oh it might have been Elmo in cupcake form! Did we need to get him... no..... Would it make a little boy happy for a $1.50 Treat? YES! So, we had to get him.